Advice for someone who just bought a new laptop?

I just got a lenovo S410p, and have no idea how to get started. I installed windows 8, and Microsoft office. My questions are:
1. Advice for new laptop? How to take care of it? What do's and what don't's?
2. What software should buy next?

Firstly I should know that whether you have previously used laptops or not?
If you have
1. You need to make sure that you have kept enough space for your programs and there's at least 3 partition made of Hard drive.
2. Install only necessary programs that you will be using other wise it will take your extra memory only.
3. All the drivers of your laptop make a back up of it.
4. Do regular maintenance.
5. For your 2nd question buy only the software that you need and will be using in regular basis.

If you are totally new then.
1. Learn basic of computer's parts.
2. Don't do anything that you don't know and after you know something about the computer's then follow the step mentioned above where you are not a new…

Make sure, you don't puth your laptop on your bed, on a cushion or anything else that is soft. The blowers will be filled with dust and your laptop will overheat causing CPU problems. Just place it on flat surfaces.

Did you install a good active anti-virus? MOST important. And a weekly scan is NOT enough. During a week or less it can send out all your personal details round the Internet, or trash the machine, or both.

1. Defragment the hard drive every couple of months.
Do not defragment if you have a A solid-state drive (SSD)

2. Install antivirus and perform weekly Virus scan

3. Keep windows up to date

4. Avoid installing tons of programs only install what you will use.

5. Buy compressed air can and clean the laptop fan every couple of months
to avoid dust clogging relating to heating issues later on.

If your willing to pay monthly then buying good antivirus software is a good start.,00.asp
Avast & AVG AntiVirus are good free alternatives.

Did you buy Microsoft office? If not then start their