After Kernel Inpage Error, my laptop now goes into a black screen after lenevo logo?

I have been experiencing multiple crashes resulting to kernel inpage error, was saving my files in another drive and turned it off because I needed to go out. Before that, I did the chdsk check four about 4 hours before canceling it to give my laptop rest.

After the check it worked normally for the whole day but after I turned it off, it won't go beyond Lenovo logo, keeps on giving me the black screen. Do I need to reformat in this case?

I haven't been able to use safe mode. My laptop is hardheaded and won't heed commands. Please help.

Laptop model is Lenovo z500 and operating system is windows 8.1

Interrupting a disk check can damage the file system. You ptobably trashed your operating system now and will need to do a reinstall. It may also mean you need a new hard drive.