Best gaming laptop for =< 1500?

I'll be going for windows, and would like to be in the 800-1500 range. It will not be purely for gaming, I need it for school (engineering major) so some portability and non gaming programs are necessary. However, I probably will not take it too often and I would like to be able to play some next gen games on it (especially elder scrolls online, i like mmorpgs). I was eyeballing lenovo. Could you give me some links to some decent laptops within my price range and also your opinion on the rig you've suggested

I suggest spending a little bit more and buying a razer blade. That is by far the best on the market and can run all the programs you need it too. But if you can't afford to widen your budget then you should look at msi gaming laptops, those are some really nice ones that run most upcoming games on high settings