Blue screen occurring over and over?

This happened on my laptop today. I was playing league on it and it shutdown (which happens most of the time if i didn't do a restart beforehand ) only this time when it went on i kept getting blue screen ( dumping physical memory ) following the "starting windows" screen
It restarts itself after the blue screen.
Only to happen again. Over and over
The laptop is lenovo z470 ideapad.been using it for about 3 years. Its not overheating. Atleast not above normal heat. Is there something I can do about it?

Memory has come unseated - push it back into the connector. Bad memory - run memtest, replace any memory modules found bad.

Hi it has issues with it's microsoft operating system which is common enough with the operating system has been a issue since bill gates started producing rubbish half finished software back in the late 1990's.
why most of us have gone over to Apple or linux based systems why the android phones are so popular and the I Phone.

Try wise memory optimizer or get another ram…