Can a splitter be used to input a mic and headphones into a single jack originally meant for both?

This is a confusing question:

Basically, I have a laptop that has a single jack/port meant for both a mic and a headset. However, the headphones/mic head-set I have has two separate cords.

I've been looking on amazon for a way to input these two cords into an adapter that outputs a single jack, so that I'm able to plug it into my computer to use both parts of my headset.
I wanted a cheap option, and I was wondering if it was possible to use a splitter meant for two headphones, since the place it is plugging into in the computer was originally intended for a mic and a headset?

P.S. And maybe check if my fall-back plan will work either? I don't want to resort to it, only to find out it doesn't work either haha.

What the laptop jack looks like:
Can a splitter be used to input a mic and headphones into a single jack originally meant for both

What my headset jacks look like:
Can a splitter be used to input a mic and headphones into a single jack originally meant for both - 1

What I want to use:


My fallback plan if this doesn't work:

Thank to all those that help!
P.S.S. This is for LoL!

The URLs are for a regular splitter only. So I doubt your mic would work, but audio should.

I think what you need is a splitter that offers both audio and mic performance, a combo into a single plug.

Here's what I mean: