Can I download Windows 8 onto a Lenovo T61 thinkpad?

I've recently acquired an IBM Thinkpad with intel core 2 duo CPU and 1.8 ghz with 3gb ram. I think it's from 2007. Anyway, I want to know if it would be laggy/usable with windows 8.

You are borderline on this laptop. Windows 8.1 will run on it, but you may not be happy with the performance.

I'd recommend Windows 7 or even Vista with all the service packs (key issue with Vista as the service packs made a world of improvement).

Don't get Win.8.1, it doesn't work well. And very few like it.
>I'm an adviser for Microsoft. Without logging on and doing a search on Microsoft as"windows 8.1 sucks" brings up 450 hits. Here's the first.
>The second one is as I try to answer on the website.