How do I install Windows 95 onto a computer?

My mom brought home an older Lenovo computer tower from work and gave it to me, but I was curious if you can download Windows 95 onto it, and how? Like, with the install disc on eBay, or what? I've googled it and I can't really get a concrete answer, one person said you have to have a floppy disc from a different Windows 95 computer, and other have said you don't, but I'm so confused lol. Somebody please help!

Use a virtual machine

Yeah, you have to install dos first and then windows 95 can be installed afterwards. Its basically just the GUI

If it has a floppy drive… The floppy disc is the " boot disc "… It copies what is needed so you can then install windows 95…

google windows 95 boot disc…

Even if you get it installed you will run into a ton of compatibility issues. Install Linux instead.

You need the installer. Win95 installers come in 3.5" floppy discs. Good luck finding a working set and more luck trying to get that old floppy disk drive to read those equally old discs.

You can download an image of windows95 auto install

It won't matter because after you install it your computer will just spit it back out. And then it will spit on you. And then it will spit on your mom.
if that happens then it must be an IBM

Don't waste your time. It's not worth it unless you just want to learn.

Before you start messing around with Windows 95 try Linux it's free see if it supports the hardware if it will run the computer I would recommend trying zorin for that older computer

Lenovo hasn't been in business very long. There's a good chance that you won't be able to find any Win95 drivers for the devices on the PC's backplane. If so, Win95 might not even boot. The problem is that the BOOT ROM of the Lenovo will be FAR newer than the drivers of Win95 and might not be compatible. As in, can't find disk, can't find boot sector, can't do squat.

Then there's the issue that if you wanted to go back THAT far, you are dealing with a Windows Shell over "true DOS" - which is about as secure as a tattered screen door. If you put that machine on the Internet for more than a couple of minutes, it would be infected with a thousand viruses. (OK, maybe exaggerating a LITTLE.) And the modern antivirus packages wouldn't run on a machine using the Win95 memory model and wouldn't work with the limited system calls. Because Win95 pre-dated Windows NT, which was a total rewrite of the innards of the operating system.

Win95 would be a total non-starter in so many ways that I would say your best bet is to trade the Win95 disk for a dog and then shoot the dog. You'd at least work out your frustrations that way. And with Win95, you'd have a LOT of them.