Can i upgrade my laptop with gaming cards and higher speeds, etc. So i can play more games?

I love games like final fantasy, role playing, etc. My comp is rather slow despite being windows 7 and only 2GB installed ( 1.85 available ). T3000 1.8 gig processor. What

BAH! Disreguard All comments saying laptops can't be upgraded.

The CPU can be changed as long as you buy another one with same socket and FSB.

You can upgrade the ram by buying ram that conforms to your motherboard reqs. I would recommend going to 4 GB.

You can upgradae the Hard Drive by simply removing it and adding another one.

Upgrade the graphics card with a ViDock solution by Villagetronic. OR alteratively if you are good with electronics, you can make your own ViDock for 30 bucks, just google it.

Trust me, my laptop survived 8 years and can still rock it out with crysis on low settings thanks to me upgrading from 1 Core Pentium M -> dual core pentium; -> 512MB ram -> 3GB; ATI Radeon 7500 -> ATI Radeon HD 3100. And it runs windows 7 like my newer laptop.

Just a word of advice though, if you don't know how to do this yourself, DO NOT hire a pro, just a get a new one. Its not worth the hassle and money to get an old computer upgraded. Especially a laptop. Just get a new one. The cheapest performance portable computer I've seen is the Lenovo X300e, its got ATI Radeon HD 3000, AMD 2 core, 4GB ram and a 300GB hard drive. That thing is only $350.***:D