Can I upgrade RAM and/ or Processor of this touchscreen laptop? New laptop running very slow?

Hey guys I just got a new laptop and is running very, very slow. It is the Lenovo ideapad Flex 15D which supports touch input. These are the specifications of the laptop:

Processor: AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics 1.00 GHz

Installed RAM: 4GB (3.70GB usable)

System type: 64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and Touch: Full Windows Touch Support with 10 Touch points

All other specs on this link:

Is it possible to upgrade the processor for this laptop? Tyvm

Besides reconstructing the laptop for a new processor, you will lose your Windows license when you upgrade a motherboard. And you will have no warranty coverage on any hardware anymore.
Just to expensive to rebuild it, even if you can.
You can expand the RAM, but make sure you get identical strips to preserve dual channel addressing (higher speed).
Better is to change the way you use this laptop.
Clean up files with Disk cleanup or Ccleaner
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner
Avast! Or AVG or Trend Micro Housecall anti virus free versions, always updated.
Spybot, Malwarebytes
Limit loading of programs on startup. Start--Run--msconfig and Start tab. Uncheck unknown or unneeded programs. Keep record of what you did, one at a time, between reboots.
Disconnect from Internet to see if speed improvement. If so, you have a zombie virus or Bot program. Scan for those. Or it might be in a browser plugin like Flashplayer, stuck in a loop. Uninstall and reinstall.

Ouch… You really want to upgrade your laptop? That's going to be a pain in the but.

Secondly, if you get a new processor, that would probably require a new motherboard.

This laptop looks like it was made for one purpose: School work and simple internet browsing. The reason why it's probably slow is because you're treating it like if it was like a different type of computer. You probably have too many things downloaded that the computer can't really handle all of that info.

If you want a better computer, it would just be easier to buy another laptop.

I will give you the simple answer that you do not want to hear.
No, you can't upgrade the processor or graphics, and a RAM upgrade will do nothing for performance.
The E1-2100 is a solder CPU. It is attached to the motherboard without a socket, and the graphics is built-in.
The E series of CPUs are low performance
E1-2100 average score says 614. The underclocked low voltage core i3's with the U suffix on the CPU, that are lower than the M in performance, are still four times the speed. The E1-2100 was designed for netbooks. The HD 8210 graphics is about Intel HD Graphics without the 3000, 4000, 4200, or 4600.

Touch screen on a clamshell design laptop is a waste of money, and most people hate Windows 8.
This £299 laptop is for watching movies and simple text tasks, and is sluggish at that.
same price after rebate
i3-3120M without the fold in screen or touch screen and with Windows 7 Professional Edition 64-bit and Thinkpad business level system at 3285 score is a 5 times faster PC with a bit faster graphics processor for gaming also.

Yes, your new laptop is slow, will always be slow, and there's nothing you can do about it.
You can add another 4GB RAM stick in it, but it will still be slow.