Should I buy a laptop with a better processor or a touchscreen and a better design?

I'm trying to decide if I should get the lenovo z50 or or the hp beats edition. Both have 8 gb of ram and a good enough display, but the lenovo has an i7 2.0 ghz processor while the hp has an a series a8 1.7 ghz processor. I'm gonna use it for school and some gaming (indie games, emulators, steam) but I want to know which would be better for me. To the hp's defense, I think touchscreen fits windows 8.1 much better, plus the laptop just looks awesome. Could you guys help?

Think of computers like this. Do you want a sports car that has a poor engine or a medium car that has a decent engine? Moral of the story is it doesn't matter how flash it looks on the outside it's the hard ware that counts.

I would choose the processor one.