Can i watch 3d movies on my Lenovo Ideapad Z50 70?

Can i watch 3d movies on my Lenovo Ideapad Z50 70? - 1

Sure, you can, but they won't be in 3D.

I don't think so, unless you play them in SBS mode and watch through a stereoscope (they can be pretty cheap), holding your head still for 2 hours.

Sure you can watch anything you want.
But it can be viewed in 2D only.

So watching a 3D Movie on a Laptop will be like watching 2 movies in one.
One will be the ghost images of the 3D rendering and the other will be the regular 2D movie.
So it will be like like 2 in one.

See you can actually kill two birds with one stone.

Yes but can't see 3D effects… Download vnc to watch without effects

This depends if your graphics and screen are 3D able.