Where can I watch movies on my phone?

I have lenovo A390 ( android ) . So I'm wondering where I could watch movies from any site that's for free?

If you have Comcast, just download the Xfinity App and you can watch any channel or On Demand thing you want on your module device. Same thing with HBO GO, you can watch HBO movies for free as long as you have an account. Me and my friends all pay like $5/month each and share an HBO GO account and my parents have Comcast for TV service so I have both and watch pretty much whatever I want and it only costs me $5/month. Other than that, you could download them (illegally) on your computer and transfer the file(s) to your Lenovo and watch movies that way. Most movie streaming sites either don't work on mobile at all or they work, but the quality is really bad and the site is a little sketchy.

I think AT&T Uverse can do the watching on an app thing, and maybe Direct TV but I'm not 100% sure on those. This is not mentioning Netflix or Hulu either.

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