Choosing an NEW LAPTOP Help NEEDED?

I don't know much about laptops can you advice me which one is the best one out of this three toshiba, lenovo or acer. They're all the same price so i can't decide yet.
link to toshiba:

link to lenovo:

link to acer:,default,pd.html?dual=0

They all 3 have the exact same specs. I would choose the Toshiba or Lenovo, the one you prefer. Would pass on Acer. I would probably choose the Lenovo over the Toshiba but honestly in that price range the 3 will be very similar quality wise.

Edit: The Toshiba and Lenovo have a 4 cell battery while the Acer only a 3 cell one. That confirm what I was thinking to choose Toshiba or Lenovo over Acer.

I agree with Philippe, they're all pretty much the same. You can check out the consumer reports computer buying guide to see how they compare

If all you are going to do is surf the internet then any of those may be alright. However, I would not recommend those if for instance you are going to watch a 1080P video or do any gaming at all.
This one has almost twice as fast CPU>
And this one is similar to above with an extra 250 gigs of HD space>
So go with what your budget will allow. If you can find a store with a knowledgable salesperson, ask if they have one with a Celeron N2920, that processor has 4 cores and only uses 7.5 watts of power (average). The N2820 only has 2 cores.