Difference between skins and decals or vinyl in laptop?

1. I want to buy a skin/ decal whatever it is
as i have a white Lenovo Z-50. But i can't understand difference between two one is cheaper than other?
2. Does these decals fit in all laptops? My screen size is 15.6" but it is little wider than my old same size laptop so i'm wondering if that would fit or not.
3. Any recommendation which one should i buy for a whole white laptop… I mean for color/design choices

Skin and decal are both the same thing… They both can be peeled on/off.

now, What the HELL are you asking?

Can you stick stickers to your Laptop? Yes you can.

The reason the screens have slightly different dimensions is a result of different native resolutions. The proportions are slightly different. 1360 x 768 is slightly off from 1900x1200, and so on.

My friend said that skins are sticker and can't be used again. Is that true? And i was saying in 2nd question that these decals fit in all laptops? My new laptop is little bit wider on it's sides.