Does Lenovo make good laptops?

I need to replace my desktop computer because it's been overheating for months now, making the whole room warmer, and it's summer… And it's pissing me off. I found a really nice laptop for $429 but I'm really cheap and don't want to end up with a crap computer again.

This is what I'm looking at

If you can think of anything similar to it, I'm open to suggestions.

The only "gaming" I do is using a DS emulator, but that's always when it starts overheating. So that's why I wanted one with more memory and a faster processor…

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Buy win8.1 17" laptop with amd A series uad core. 786 vertical resolution don't work well with lots webpages.

Its heating due to the season or its dirty full of dust. Check first your computer from dust. Btw lenovo laptos are good but it is still depending on the user if you use your laptop too long only 2 years or less will last good luck