Fastest and best possible linux distro for the spec below?

Lenovo IdeaPad S12
2GB RAM (1.75 Available)
Nvidia ION
5400 RPM HDD
Intel Atom 1.6 Ghz (1 Core, 2 Threads)

I tried Puppy Linux and Linux mint, the latest versions, but it seemed slow.

Added (1). Lenovo IdeaPad S12
2GB RAM (1.75 Available)
Nvidia ION
5400 RPM HDD
Intel Atom 1.6 Ghz (1 Core, 2 Threads)

I tried Puppy Linux and Linux mint, the latest versions, but it seemed slow.

And Puppy Linux crashed after installing nvidia drivers

Most full Linux distro's recommend at least a 1ghz processor and 1 gb ram.
You might want to try-
LXLE, Lubuntu, Elementary OS, Mint XFCE, Xubuntu… However do not use the "latest" versions- get the last LTS version. The Ubuntu's will be 14.04, the Mints will be 17, not sure about the others.

You should not need to install drivers… Use the drivers that Linux supplies.

Don't expect lightning speed… You do not have a speed machine.