Gaming Laptops under $550 for my son?

He is a great student so I thought I would give him a better laptop. Please don't give me a $600 laptop, I need 550 or below.

Here are laptops that I thought was good:

This one I need some time to think about, but if this is really good please tell me:

If you can put the laptops I suggested best to worst, it would be great! Or if there are any other laptops in my budget please share it with me! I'm a single mother I hope you understand.

My son plays: Skyrim, League of Legends, Mabinogi, and the Sims 3.

Think I have answered this question already from last night… The Acer is the best of them. That lenovo is not a gamer and will not be good for gaming as it has integrated graphics which is not for gaming. The two Acer laptops there are better gamers with the main reason being that they have a dedicated graphics card which is designed for gaming. Those two Acer laptops have the same specs and will play games the same- the only difference is that the third one has touchscreen and as such is a little more expensive.

The most important thing is never buy a laptop with a GPU chipset built into the motherboard because it will never run games properly. Good newer games at least. You'll have to spend a little more or go with a desktop.

The last laptop on the list is the only laptop you listed that has a dedicated GPU, which is what's important in a gaming computer. Unfortunately, gaming laptops are awfully expensive and its rare to find them at reasonable prices. Good luck on the search, and steer clear of Hewlett Packard (HP)!