Good gaming laptop for 500-600ish?

I need a good gaming laptop in this range. It should be able to run bf4 and the next two in the series at least… Refurbished is fine.

You can get this laptop:

However, you'll need to play with low settings to have a good and steady framerate with high end game like bf4.

Edit: Here a video of a laptop with the same video card playing bf4

NO! Don't buy a laptop for Gaming! That is like using a potato for xbox! Buy a PC and join the PCMASTERRACE! Pcs are cheaper + won't overheat like a laptop + easier to upgrade and you can get a nice gaming pc with that price range

I would not recommend that laptop as i have a similar one and it can't really run games that well. I would recommend this laptop altough you might have to upgrade ram to 8 gigs, but that is only about 70 dollars.

Good gaming laptops and low pricing do not go hand in hand. Good luck finding a good gaming laptop for under $1200(US)

Get something with at least a 4GB graphics card. Should work with today's generation of games. Try to buy laptop with high graphics card