Help in finding a new laptop?

I'm looking for a laptop with:
-a good keyboard (wanna use it for writing)
-has multimedia purpose (for editing pictures and videos)
-i7 processor (please don't recommend a laptop below i7, I want it for gaming and stuff)

I also prefer a sleek and silver laptops. But never mind this if you can't think of any.
I'm probably considering Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Samsung. Which one do you think is the best?

I'm into Lenovo since it has a good keyboard (but the cons is they don't have a good looking laptops, others say they have a bad touchpad). I'm thinking of Lenovo z410. Any reviews?

I'm into Asus since they have a good looking laptops available (i'm not too sure with the keyboards). I'm thinking of Asus zenbook (but very expensive)

I'm into Acer (probably considering Acer Aspire s7, but it's very expensive)

Please don't recommend macbooks.
Thank you everyone!

Added (1). I'm from the Philippines, and my budget would range from PHP 30,000 to PHP 50,000. ($687 - $1,145)

The laptops you listed would be amazing for writing, editing pictures and videos. (Probably not great at rendering videos though). The thing that has me concerned about what you listed was "Gaming". The laptops you listed have pretty bad GPUs and won't be able to handle much more modern games.
Acer Aspire S7 GPU-
Lenovo z410 GPU-

You can look up these specs on Google and find results showing low framerates for modern games.
Laptops are kinda bad unless you get specifically a gaming laptop. It might be more expensive, (or maybe even cheaper) but if you plan on playing modern games you'll will need one made for gaming.

Some gaming laptop sites-

Gaming not only uses the CPU but also the GPU, the best bran gpu is nvidia.

Lenovo y-series laptops are built for everything you have mentioned and come equipped with a graphics card to play any game on the market.

If you're looking into a new laptop google "Lenovo y-series" I think the latest model is y50.

If you're looking into a used model, Lenovo Y580 is the best bang for your buck.

I agree with your choice. I say you that please choose the higher price of the laptop. Cos Some Laptop's confrigaraion is same but the price range is different. In mother board You can use ASUS, DELL, INTEX, HP for best performance. You can add a personal laptop skin on with your amazing movement of life.

I have a 'hp pavilion dm4' and it does everything i need it to do and it does't break the bank!