Help picking a new laptop?

I'm looking for a new laptop. My mom said she would spend up to $700, and if t costs more than that I'll need to pitch in my own money. Some of the laptops I'm considering are a bit more expensive, and I'm not sure how much better they are than the cheaper ones… These are the options I've come up with, but if you know something better that isn't too expensive, please include a link! Your input in appreciated.

These first two are currently my top picks.
--with windows 7 premium, everything else standard" class='ext_link'> is the best

Between all the laptops you have there, there, the two MSI's are the best and they are far better than the cheaper ones based on their processing power as well as graphics ability.
This one is the best >
While this is the second best >

Now, there's a price difference of $100 between them which comes about as a result of the one for $999 having a more powerful processor (Intel Core i7-4700HQ) than the $899 one that has an Intel Core i5-4200M processor.

Go ahead and put the additional money and get the one for $999, that computer will give you more speed and allow you to run high graphics games and applications as well as other high quality processing and graphic intensive programs and tasks.
Go for it. It is worth it… And MSI is a very good brand--- I can recommend as I'm using one myself and have recommended many of them after which I got very positive feedback from persons who I recommend them to.