How do I replace my laptops hard drive with an SSD?

I have a Lenovo z70 that recently stopped working. It would boot to a black screen and system restores and resets did not work. So I went and bought a Samsung 860 Evo SSD and replaced it. Now I'm getting an error saying boot failed. Any advice?

You need to install windows or transfer the current install but it sounds like the current install is damaged so your only option is to install windows clean

I assume you tried to transfer [mirror] the entire old HDD. The drivers for the laptop need to be installed. You get those from Lenovo. If that makes it work, great. If not, run Windows Repair tool

Purchase a 2.5 inch laptop SSD. Mount the SSD in a Docking Station and plug the Docking Station into a USB port on your laptop. Download in install the free program MACROM REFLECT. Run the CLONE program and Clone your HD onto the SSD. Turn off the computer and replace the HD with the SSD.

I think you have another fault and not your hard drive. With what you are saying and there's no information in it I would first suspect RAM

It's not that hard to to do. You can watch some videos on YouTube. I did couple myself so check them out

It's not that hard to to do. You can watch some videos on YouTube. I did couple myself so check them out

You have to install all the programs from scratch. Start with Windows or Linux. If you decide to go for Linux, you should be only installing once and you get a good mix of programs and applications, good to go, when done. If you install Windows, you will have to install each and every other program you want to use starting with and office suite, a graphics suite, games, etc. Yes, that means you will have to buy (get) installers.

You have to install all the programs from scratch. Start with Windows or Linux. If you decide to go for Linux, you should be only installing once and you get a good mix of programs and applications, good to go, when done. If you install Windows, you will have to install each and every other program you want to use starting with and office suite, a graphics suite, games, etc. Yes, that means you will have to buy (get) installers.