How is this laptop for under $900?
It is massively marked down. I have looked for flaws but can't seem to find any. Are there any better laptops for the price range (below $900)? I will be playing a few games but nothing too major. Day Z will probably be the most strenuous game I play and this should run that fine or am I wrong. Any help or opinion would be greatly appreciated!

If you want even better I would build a desktop you can get twice the specs for the same price.

Yes it could run DayZ easy use this site to check what it can run The lenovo Y510p is well known for the best bang for your buck in gaming for laptops.

basically it's good

I actually bought a y510 very similar to yours. It boots up super fast thanks to the hybrid ssd. I have no problem playing things like COD ghosts at full resolution. I think you'll be very happy with this laptop.