How much does it cost to reinstall Windows 7 on my laptop at a computer repair shop?

My files on my laptop are completely corrupt. I have tried all of the methods of restoring the corrupt files, system restore, everything. None of them worked. How much would it cost to bring a Lenovo Z570 laptop to a computer repair shop, and wipe the hard drive clean and install windows 7 again?

There's no way we can answer that. We don't know where you're taking your laptop, so we don't know their prices.

I looked up a manual for your laptop and it appears that there's a recovery partition on it. IF the partition is not damaged, you can use it to restore your laptop to factory defaults. This will erase EVERYTHING, so it will be like the first time you ever turned it on.

This is what the manual says:
Using Lenovo OneKey Rescue system (without Windows
operating system)
In the event that the operating system can't be loaded, follow the steps
below to access OneKey Rescue system.
- Shut down your computer.
- Press the (look at the manual for the image) key to launch OneKey Rescue system.
Within the program, you can choose to restore your system partition to the
original factory status, or to a previously generated backup.

Did you try this? If you didn't, give it a shot. If it works, you just saved yourself X amount of money.

The link to the manual is down below, look for Chapter 4.

If it doesn't work, then you may need to take it in to get it repaired.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys that I do not own any Windows 7 discs whatsoever. I bought this laptop off of amazon, and there was no disk in the package.

If you run the recovery program---not the restore program----you will get all new files. Also Microsoft can help with your problem If you prove you have a legit copy of Windows 7, you can buy a replacement from them.However, you already have paid for Windows 7 and you have a good copy of it in the recovery partition of your hard drive, because, at the factory, they created a small reserved area on your hard drive and installed an image of your system on it. It is there now. You say you are trying to restore corrupt files with no success. This is not uncommon but it may mean the hard drive also has problems. I have never had a failure when running the recovery program unless the hard drive was causing it. You have nothing to lose in attempting to recover your system using the recovery method. To do so,
Startup by tapping F8 repeatedly until you get into the options menu. If you have a large USB drive or external hard drive or such, you can start off in the recovery process by selecting to back up your files, first. Once that is done, you are asked where the recovery image is located. It will probably be on the D: drive. Tell the program to look there. It should find one big file. Select it and launch the recovery process. The hard drive will be totally re-written and all old data will be lost. Windows 7 will be installed along with the programs that originally came with the pc. You may be asked for the security code( authentication code) that is on the bottom of a laptop and on the side of a desktop. It is on a green and black and white sticker. The process does not attempt to fix corrupt files, it replaces all of them. You will have updates to do, virus programs to download and files to restore but the pc will ruin great.

You can do this generally yourself.
Tom and Anna have in the past answered this wrong. Whereas their pc is probably F8 all other makes have a different procedure to activate the recovery procedure. This shows their lack of knowledge on the subject.
Lenovo have had two different procedures to my knowledge and yours is described in the following link. chapter 4.

Also just about any Hardware fault can cause the recovery to fail.
Also If your hard disc is faulty you can apply to Lenvovo for a copy of the recovery software on a DVD/CD

As to your files being corrupt and before you go into a recovery of the system consider there may be other cause for your fault


Okay Duck Everything now, get A copy of window from somewhere and install it on your Drive now Go to lenovo's Website download Recovery Program Run it, it will find your Recovery partition and Then recover the initial Windows from what lenovo Gave you. And it will wipe your current windows but worth a Shot.

Get Window means from anywhere.

Go here:
I wouldn't waste money for Windows 7 re-installation. You can't trust them because they can install illegal copy of Windows and it might not be genuine. So you should do the re-installation yourself. But if you choose to repair from any shop then it might be 5-10$ if there's no hardware problem.

You would have to buy a new hard drive if everything became corrupt. On the OS, you would have to contact whoever you bought the laptop from for the product key and/or the disc that they used to install Windows. When you buy a laptop online, 99% of the time is that the OS is OEM version, meaning that the OS is tied to the motherboard, and can't be installed on another computer. Since you bought it Amazon, I doubt they would have the Windows key, meaning you're out of luck.

Your Lenovo might have a built-in image for restore. Google it on how to restore it but before you do that, you will need to backup your data. You can also order recovery dvd from Lenovo. It might cost you $30 or so.
A repair cost might be $60 plus cot of windows 7 ($120 if needed).

Ask your neighbour to help you. Its pretty simple. Make sure you backup all important data before reinstall your windows 7