How to overclock a Lenovo Z50 laptop?

When looking at the PC Info, it says that my laptop has an i7 processor at 1.8GHz, but it also states 2.40GHZ shortly after, so I can only assume it can be overclocked to reach that value. Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried shutting it down completely (shift + shut down) and then turning it on, but no F12 prompt appears and the laptop doesn't respond to my F1, F2, F10, F11 or F12 inputs. How can I access the BIOS and overclock it?

Laptops are not designed to be over locked. 2.4 ghz is its turbo boost which it runs at when under full load but the rest of the time it runs at 1.8

The i7 at 1.8GHz is a low voltage dual core i7 with hyperthreading and turbo. Trying to overclock laptops voids the warranty, can damage the CPU and motherboard, and generally the system resets itself anyway.
The 2.4GHz is automatic as needed by the CPU and you leave the CPU alone or chance having a pile of garbage for a laptop.

Even in Desktop/Towers, overclocking is a carefully chosen activity and needs a motherboard and cpu cooler to support, and a cpu capable of it. It also does not help every pc activity notably.

Answer is: Don't do it, even though you can with software.

My labtop got overclocked by some update and now my battery lasts 5 mins on standby