I'm wondering what the limiting component on my laptop is?

I have an Acer Aspire One laptop.

The specs are (from of dxdiag):
Processor - Intel Celeron CPU 847 @ 1.10GHz (2 CPUS), ~1.1GHz

2048 MB RAM

Intel HD Graphics Family Chip - 1058MB

If I was going to upgrade a component, what would it be? Is it worth it?

Added (1). I'm running Windows 8.1 Btw. And I use this computer for school and some gaming. I recently installed Skyrim and have been playing that with some mild lag on the low settings.

To your main question the processor and the graphic card, we all know the graphic card is soldered to the motherboard unless custom made, or have a ultra bay like the lenovo y series, three things can be upgraded the processor if support for a upgrade, ram if it's not max out and the hdd, can't replace the motherboard unless the same replacement the laptops case is molded to fit the one that comes with it, btw no laptop processor is soldered to the motherboard it is removed almost the same way as the desktop processor

I'd honestly get a new laptop… Processor is the biggest problem but they tend to either be soldered to the mother board or have very few compatible replacements.

if you have to replace the motherboard as well it would be better to just get a new laptop because you'd naturally get an upgrade in everything