I'm wondering about my computers health?

So I have a Lenovo p400 idea pad, which I use for school. I'd like to say I take really good care of it. I only move it if it needs to be moved. It's always in a cool environment, and I have a laptop cooling pad to cool things, and it's elevated to ensure good airflow. I make sure it doesn't get dusty, and clean out any dust. I turn it off every night and make sure files aren't fragmented. However, I'm a huge Leaguer, so I play pretty regularly, especially over the summer when I play a few matches almost daily. I don't over clock it and I run the laptop at recommended settings, so I'm not really pushing it. I do play dead space on it every now and then though. Still I feel a little paranoid. Maybe it's just my OCD? How do y'all think it is? What do you think the life span is if I keep using it the way I do?

I would say go for it. I wish I took half as good care of my laptop as you. Computer hardware, especially CPU and GPUs are designed to heat up to pretty extreme temperatures. Yes, theoretically it could reduce the lifespan of components but my non expert opinion is that wear and tear from the use you describe would be negligible.

Your laptop should be fine for atleast 4-5 yrs. You can't expext more from a laptop.
Just a suggestion, use this software called gpu-z. It will show you the temperatuers insode your laptop. Make sure the temps arnt more than 90-95 degrees.