I have a lenovo x60 running windows xp and need a new laptop but my dad says no. The laptop is perfectly fine according to him

I have a lenovo x60 running windows xp and need a new laptop but my dad says no. The laptop is perfectly fine according to him - 1

Its probably ok as long as you can update it to Windows 10 - hit him up for the cost.

Windows XP is no longer supported with security updates so although the laptop may be technically fine you are running a risk. Make sure you keep your antivirus/antimalware package up to date and don't go visiting any nefarious sites that may put you at risk

If you can update to windows 7 or 10 (less likely) that would be better as Francis says

What kind of help do you want? Why do you need a new laptop?

Dump XP and get win 7 you will be okay. XP is to outdated to use on the current internet it is sluggish and sometimes will not load some sites. That is because of the outdated browser.

Your dad probably sees it as, so long as you can type letters / book reports / send and receive e-mail / browse the internet a little bit… You don't need a new one…
Your looking at it as, you want to play video games, watch youtube videos, watch movies, Skype, facebook, instagram… And your dad knows that as well…

Windows XP is utterly dangerous to use anywhere near the internet. It is nit safe and shouldn't be used. Its like taking a bow and arrow to a machine gun fight when trying to protect it against the criminals out there. Your Dad needs to take more care of his children! Does he want your Identity to be stolen and used against him?