I'm in the market for a new laptop, but even after reading/watching many reviews, I'm still undecided

I was previously a Sony VAIO owner, but now that Sony has split with VAIO… New laptops are no longer available. So, I'm stuck with HP, Lenovo, Asus, Dell, or Samsung. I have an HP Spectre, but I think I'm going to return it. I just don't like HP and the Spectre has some bugs (Touch pad is jumpy, pen has no tilt capabilities, speakers crackle.) Any advice on the best new 2-in-1 ultrabook is appreciated. (Something that runs cool, quite, fast, and with minimal bugs.) Thanks.

I can help if you tell me what you will use it for.

Will you be gaming on it?
How about video editing?
Watch DVDs?
Use it for presentations?
Or simple typing, bills, email, watch youtube?
Do you plan on bringing it to places like school/work or is it only at home?
Also what is your price range?

These will help determine the specs and narrow down your search.

Here's a good site for concise and honest reviews of all sorts of tech products. Check it out.

Get a Lenovo where they fast processor check the gigahertz don't get anything slower than a 2.5 per Channel and at least a quad core processor