Water spilt on laptop but still working?

Water spilt mainly on the touchpad and a little went inside the keyboard. A small amount touched the bottom part too (Some amount of water went under the laptop). There's a chance of water having gone through a broken opening. But everything seems to work fine. Should I take any action now? Is any late effect possible? (model = Lenovo Ultrabook U410)

I would let it air dry, eg turn it fully off, take out battery and give it time. Its not the water that does that damage it's what's in the water that can kill a machine. If no damage happened when the water was spilt odds are good there will be no longer term damage.

It depends mostly on what was in the water i.e. Any thing which could conduct electricity. If your laptop is old and some loose wires then its going to damage the laptop beyond repair. But you say its fine then i would suggest thatyou remove the battery and then place the laptop upside down and leave it for a day.