I accidentally spilled juice on my laptop. Fortunately, it didn't reach the key board, so its unaffected. But it got through my mouse pad. I have a lenovo 15" flex ideapad and for some reason, this model's touch pad… Sinks? I'm not too sure how to explain it, but if you press a little hard on the bottom right and left corners, it will sink down a little. The juice got into it, and I tried my best to clean it, but it won't work. I can't click, or even scroll (touch pad version which works like an apple touchpad). If I can't fix this by myself, where can I go to to fix this? I still have my warrenty, I bought it at Best Buy. But I'm not sure if they do fixes like this since it's my fault it's broken. Is there an estimate of how much it would cost?

I have an external mouse, but its extremely unconventional for me to carry around.

Added (1). *Update
The mouse works as of yet, but it only moves. I still can't click, but I can scroll. Touch-clicks work (tapping on the mouse instead of physically clicking) only occasionally. It'll work on second, the next, not.

In the time it took you to type that, even more damage has occurred, and more will continue occur as long as it is running. Shut it down. Take it to a shop for a thorough cleaning.