Is a Macbook worth the money?

I was always taught to always buy and get the most for your money. I had the pleasure to use a macbook pro for about a week. Honestly, I really do not see huge benefits of owning a macbook. The interface change is nice along with the sleek and thin portability, but that all up to personal preference when I think about it. I could get a laptop with even better specs, for example the Lenovo Y50 for literally $200+ cheaper while I sacrifice the portability and screen resolution for more processing power + graphic card. I'm not trying to bash macbooks, I'm trying to learn why people spend so much money to get these. What are your opinions?

I was a windows person for a long long time. My first computer ran DOS, to give you an idea. I never bought into the whole Mac thing, until about 2011/2012. I grew so weary of having to figure out all the nuances of each Windows release i.e. Vista vs XP vs 7. Don't even get me started on Windows 8. I got tired of having to buy the latest and greatest hardware every 2-3 years because Windows and associated applications became so bloated and dragged my machine down to the point it was painful to use it. I got really tired of cleaning virus' and malware off my computers, having to occasionally reformat the HD and reinstall windows because of a virus or the registry was bleeped up beyond the point of salvation. FYI - I'm the I/T guy for my extended family, can't seem to get my mother-in-law to stop clicking on the wrong thing.

So when it came time to replace my personal PC, I decided to try a Macbook. I got my Macbook in late 2011. No anti-virus software installed to this day. It was blazing fast the day I got it, it's still as blazing fast today, 3 years later. I've updated the O/S as each major update came (the updates have been no charge, with MS I have to buy the upgrade from Win 7 to Win 8 - that alone justifies the difference in price), still fast. It found All the windows machines on my network without me having to configure anything, I can copy files to/from any of them - my Macbook being the glue that binds Windows XP to Windows 7 on a network. Loved it so much when it was time to replace my Android phone I got an iPhone. Via iCloud my contacts are always in sync between Mac and iPhone without me having to do anything. I take a picture with my iPhone, its on my Mac in iPhoto too, again without me having to do anything. No syncing required, no cables to muck with.

With Apple controlling both the hardware and the software they don't have the support challenges that Microsoft has. Therefore you end up with a better experience overall. With the multitudes of vendors making PC hardware it's a nightmare for Microsoft to support all the drivers and assorted errata for each Intel and AMD processor released.

That being said, the bane of Apple is still a lack of applications for OSX. Microsoft clearly dominates on the application front.

Anyway, I thought the Mac was worth it enough to slowly replace all the Windows machines in my home. In my humble opinion, the adage you get what you pay for clearly applies to Apple vs Microsoft.

No. Macbooks are just overpriced. If you want the OS sure, but if you want the most for your money get a Windows machine.

No they aren't. You can buy a good PC for much less. The Mac, I think you more so buy the name.

Nothing with the name Mac has ever been worth the price that Apple charges for it. They are great if the only thing you want to do is use Apple software, but if you plan to do any business on it, save yourself about $1000 and buy a Windows based laptop.