Is it unsafe to charge my laptop in my backpack?

I was thinking about keeping my backpack in my laptop with the charging cable sticking out so I can quickly unplug it, close up my backpack, and go if (I wake up late for example). Is this unsafe in terms of the laptop heating up or any other possible consequences? I have a Lenovo G50-80, if that is of importance.

I would recommend not doing that, incase the big bulky thing on the cable gets too hot.

If it's simply charging, then no. As long as the computer is off or in sleep, then it isn't using the electricity, therefore isn't generating any heat.

I think that it would be OK, but to be safe I would get up a few minutes earlier and then you can take it out of the backpack for charging. I have never like to have a computer of any kind covered while charging or using it in any way.

There will be a certain amount of heat - but if you are going to do that beware where you do it - if you do it at an airport or bus station etc you can be arrested for power theft.