Is opening and closing my laptop harmful?

I literally open and close it like 10 times everyday to draw and take breaks. I never turn it off unless it needs to update. Its a legion lenovo laptop. Is opening and closing my laptop harmful

No, it's made to be opened and closed.

Hinges will wear out and loosen, their anchors into plastic case will break off. The wires through the hinges just might start to fail.

I bought identical lap tops for each of my daughters.

One daughter mostly used her's as a "desk top" and left it open on her desk. (she covered the keyboard to keep it clean) She rarely moved it except when she was taking it with her to a friend's house for a sleep over. She never took it if she was only going to be gone for a few hours. She rarely turned it off.

The other daughter constantly took her laptop everyplace. Between rooms in the house (always closing it to move it) and took it with her when she went to any friend's house even if it wasn't an overnight trip.

The computer that was constantly moved needed a new cord, a new battery, and died two years before the other computer. The other computer was replaced just because it was outdated and not because it had actually stopped working.

Just saying - handle with care. Even though they are "made to be opened and closed" doesn't mean that it doesn't shorten their life span.

In my experience Lenovos are quite flimsy so probably best to minimise the lid movement.

Eventually, you will wear out the hinges

Potentially yes. Taking care each time you open and close it will help, but what often happens, especially when care is not used, is the plastic that holds the metal hinges breaks on one side. If you are a handy person, you can certainly fix this but most people aren't. While there's a possibility of wearing the wires out that goes from the base to the screen, I have never seen this happen where most of the time the laptop becomes dated and replaced.