Is there anywhere I can install a DVD drive into my laptop?

I got the Lenovo 320 IdeaPad white. The picture of it was misleading as it has a button on the DVD drive to open it. I got it today and there's no button I can't open it and I called them up according to them I don't even have a dvd drive. So why would they make one that looks like one and advertise a picture of a button on the side of it. Is there anyway I can install a DVD drive into it?
Or would I be able to return it even though I've turned it on?

It's easier just to buy an external optical drive, and you connect it via USB

Depending on the consumer laws in your country you may be able to return it

you can't fit a drive you cold buy an external usb dvd drive

External drive costs under $50. The description included "optical drive -- [none or slash]" so you were told. As to return -- tthat's between you and the seller. Their 15pc restocking fee may apply. They might waive the fee if you buy a more expensive model instead… And you'll have to call and ask for that [if you can get it at all]

There's a variety of models of IdeaPad 320, some of which have the DVD drive and some don't. That's why you'll see it in some pictures as those are pictures of the model with the drive. They don't seem to sell it as an aftermarket add-on.

If you just bought it, contact the seller about exchanging it for a model with a drive; you'll likely have to pay extra. Or as stated it's easy to just buy an external DVD drive. Keeps the laptop lighter for when you're carrying it around.