Laptop for computer engineering?

I'm thinking about getting a new laptop for computer engineering, since my current laptop, Lenovo G570, is a bit heavy and has a battery of 1 hour. I've had it for 2 years so far, and it runs okay, but I'm not sure if it's worth it to get a new laptop since the one I have already has some good specs. If I do get a new laptop, I'd prefer it to use Windows, have a good battery life, be lightweight, have around a 13 inch screen, and be good for coding, a bit of gaming, making presentations, writing papers, and watching tv online. It would also be great if it were under $1000.

If anyone could give their input, it would be great!

I know a great one a hp laptop pavilion it is really good

Try the Lenova YogaPad, it worked well for me while i had it. Not only is it flexible in its design but also incredibly powerful. I believe some of the newer editions has a touchscreen on top of its already tablet like design. Either way, I would go with this if you are not talking about hardcore gaming.

If you want something great for battery life and not so much gaming, then you might want to consider the Macbook Air. It has literally a 10 hour standard battery life and I love to take this guy around without having to charge it in between classes.