Laptop FPS lag when connected to a TV?

So i have a lenovo y50-70 with an i5 4210h 2.9 ghz cpu a gtx 960 2gb gpu 8gb of ram and it has a 1080p panel. When i connect this laptop to my 43' LG Cinema 3D 1080p tv games lag on it. When not connected to my tv i usualy get butter smooth performance running mortal kombat x on max out settings, but when i connect it to my tv there's noticeable lag in the game. All other games that i own aswell. I have no idea why this is happening. I tried so many things i found but no results. Please help. (btw the games are running on the gtx 960 and the lid is not closed. It's also connected to it's charger, the screens are set to tv only.)

The 960M which is the one you have. ( they don't make the standard 960 for laptops) is weaker than the desktop variant. Which can perform twice as good in certain tasks.

Try making sure you have the latest drivers. This includes videocard drivers, chipset drivers etc.

go into the device manager and check for updates

The TV has nothing to do with lag… It only shows what it is told to show.

What can occur is that you'r pushing the tv beyond what it can understand

example… Your tv max resolution is 65HZ…( that means 65 frames per second can be written across the screen )… Your pushing 85 frames per second… That's 20 frames more the the tv can understand… You need to lower your game frame rate below what the tv can understand…

Also… How are we connecting to the tv? That as well can determine how much info can be sent to the tv…

Maybe try mirror mode, so the laptop simply mirrors what is on both screens?