Lenovo G-50 poor battery Life?

I have a Lenovo laptop model G50-80 with intel core i5 and and Radeon. I bought it back in October 2014 it's been 3 years now and I've kept it operating well and it's running smoothly but the problem with is it's battery life… It can't stand for more than an hour and a half without all of its battery draining. The battery life on this model claimed to hold for about 4 hours and it did when I first bought but apparently I began to notice that it holds for an hour and half and begins to drain down. I always carry around it's charger when I'm in at home using it or in Starbucks. What do you think is wrong with it? I'm not an expert in computers but I did what's called the gauge reset on the battery maintanence app but that didn't solve the problem… Do I have to replace the battery? I go to college so I use it for both school and entertainment.

The battery is old and tired. Batteries have a finite number of charge cycles then they die. You will shortly need to replace it. THEY DO NOT LAST FOREVER!

Get a new battery that has 8 cells. At 3 years old and constant recharging you battery is on its' last legs!

Sadly laptop batteries stop holding there charge after about 2 years if used normally. Sometimes batteries can last longer if properly cared for but on average you get 2 - 3 years. If you are looking to replace the battery that you have then I would recommend looking for a battery with more cells in it. Contact the manufacturer and see if they have extended life batteries for your model of computer. I hope this information helped!

Geek Squad Agent John H.
Badge # 41201
PC Double Agent Specialty Coach | Geek Squad Social Media Team

First, Lenovo is a little better than average about battery life claim. It is always based on a minimal usage with screen brightness low. HP has a reputation of showing totally fake numbers. It always says "up to" X hours.
10 minutes is also up to 4 hours.
October 2014 is often due for a new battery.
You can check Lenovo retail price, and internet sellers as aftermarket and refurb with new cells.
Watch the watt-hour or amp-hour number as a battery rating.
The battery of a laptop is in the same class as rollers in a laser printer. They are a maintenance item.