Do you think Lenovo laptops are any good?

Today I bought a Lenovo laptop and it costed $387, I think its cheap and cheap looking. The keyboard is the worst part. I had another Lenovo laptop for around the same price or slightly more expensive and I thought it functioned better and I liked that laptop, but the hinge broke, now the old one won't connect to a printer or internet, so I had to buy this new one. Should I return this new laptop? I'm thinking of returning it. I'm mostly using it for internet browsing and Microsoft word.

Added (1). My main issue is the keyboard, its awful, i don't need a super expensive laptop, just one that's fast enough for internet browsing and for college student use and i would like a good mousepad and keyboard… This one is difficult to type.

I bought a 2011 Lenovo G555 that was $450, AMD Fusion system with Win 7, and after 2.6 years it had 3 video chip detachments from heat (not from games). Now trying to install a new motherboard.