Looking for a high performance gaming laptop for $1000-$1500?

Ok so my birthday is coming up and after a full year of begging for a gaming laptop i'm finally gonna get one. I'm looking for something that will run nearly every title at a pretty good framerate from high to ultra settings. I want at least 40 to 60 fps. I can't stand playing games at 30fps. The lenovo y50 seems like a pretty decent laptop but i want something with a little more power for next gen games like the witcher 3 or something like that.

Alienware is good but macbook pro can deliver 40 - 60 fps on its lowest model. I have the lowest model. But if you do get a macbook pro get parelells 9 because it can transfer your pc wanted games to mac. Its $70


Best to build your own system imo

When you talk about future generation games, then you're talking about a Dell Alienware computer, but they're more costly than the maximum price of $1500 you mentioned. The Alienware laptops are some of the few that can be upgraded when future games are released.