My computer browsers think that I'm located in New Zealand?

One day a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that my Google search engine said, & soon after noticed that I could not load HBOGo, because it said it was not offered to those outside of the United States (I live in Connecticut). Also, the content was limited on Netflix (for example, only the UK version of The Office showed up when I searched). I googled "Where am I?" & it said that I was located in Auckland, NZ.
I have never been out of the US in my life, except for a trip to Canada before I even had this computer. I have owned it for about 2 years now, & have not had any problems like this before. In fact, this isn't even affecting my computer's performance, aside from the obvious annoyance! I have a Lenovo Thinkpad, & have so far only seen solutions for Macs.

I've tried EVERYTHING…

I have googled every form of this question, & tried a whole bunch of suggestions, to no avail. I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling Google Chrome, because I at first that that was the problem. Unfortunately, all of my browsers (including Internet Explorer & Firefox) experience this problem. It isn't my computer itself because I've checked the location settings many times, & even reset them, but still experience this problem. I've tried deleting my computer's cache & reseting cookies, & have messed with any sort of location modification that is available in the internet settings or computer settings

My roommate & I share a router, & she doesn't experience this problem.

Turn off your vpn.