My product key on my windows 7 laptop is gone?

My Lenovo laptop came with a product key three years ago, but my sociopathic cousin ripped it off. Is there another product key stored on the computer by any chance?

Magical Jellybean Keyfinder will find most standard product keys, including Windows (which it was originally made for):

Free and easy to use.

Try to click on "Computer", then choose the tab "System Properties". Your product key should be displayed under the "Windows activation" section…

The same product key is on the laptop once the os is installed can use the two third party programs mention belarc advisor or key finder both will show the product key, the first answer is right as well, so again even if your cuz ripp it off it's still on the laptop try those three ways

Belarc is the better option,
as it gives a COMPLETE computer profile,
running into 4/5.pages.

Print this out for future use,
(especially when you add new programs)
and update it periodically!

I don't think so. Writ the Co. And ask for another. Don't know what they cost! Kick you cuz to the left. Let them pay for it.