No sound device detected? Computer assistance required?

Recently I downloaded Skyrim on Steam. I managed to play a couple of hours of it yesterday before it blue-screened for no reason and I had to hold the power button until my laptop shut off.
I rolled my eyes and switched my laptop back on.

However, when I did so, I discovered a whole other bunch of things had gone wrong:
- None of the internet browsers would open (Chrome, Internet Explorer) - saying 'Class not detected'
- Links won't open with a browser - e.g Links on Skype will not open, I have to copy and paste.
- Dropbox won't open, but does not come up with an error message.
- When I try and play Skyrim again, it comes up with the error message 'No sound device detected, Skyrim can't run'
- When I try and open up 'Manage audio devices' on my computer, it says 'Sever execution failed'.
- When having a layer of browser windows open, both will randomly act like I've clicked off them when I have not.
- Netflix will not load programmes after clicking on them, just a black screen.

However, I managed to get Chrome working by going in to the files and running the browser direct from the.exe and all my other Steam-run games are working, just not Skyrim.

I'm working off a Lenovo G505s Laptop, AMD A10, 8GB RAM, 1TB, with Windows 8.1

I've searched the web for multiple ways to try and fix everything, but nothing seems to be working. If anyone who has a higher computer understanding than me could figure this lot out, I would be incredibly grateful.

If you are using windows you can use system restore to a time before you loaded the program. You would then need to download it again. Before you do download it I suggest you use something like glary utilities at its free and will clean up your registry which will probably be messed up. It has a 1 click option for novices