I would like to upgrade my laptop's processor, need assistance?

I have a Lenovo Z560 laptop, whose existing processor is Intel core i3 CPU M 370 @2.40 GHz, NVDIA GeForce 310M. Can I upgrade to a new processor? I5 or i7 may be?

On the whole, laptops can't have their internals upgrade (except hard drives, and possibly memory).

The CPU is usually hard-wired into the motherboard, unlike a desktop with an easy release mechanism. Even if you could swap out, the other components might not work with it -- the obvious being heat dissipation, a faster CPU will generate more heat, which the cooling system was designed to get rid of.

I have changed a CPU in a laptop before. I'm not positive, but I'm guessing you can only go to a faster i3. I don't thing your motherboard would support more than that. You want to verify the socket type for your motherboard as well PGA BGA etc.