PC alternatives to a MacBook?

Bought a Lenovo Flex 14 laptop a couple of years ago. When I got it, it was perfect for my needs. But now, I'm starting to need it for more demanding purposes (e.g photo and video editing) and I think I need an upgrade. I need a faster processor, a bigger and higher-resolution screen (the one on my current laptop is appalling). Also, I need a laptop that isn't slowed too much by lots of programmes and files. By that, I mean that my current laptop's hard drive isn't even half full and yet it's running pretty slowly.
A MacBook Pro seems like a good choice for me, but there's no chance in hell I can afford one anytime soon. As much as I'd like a switch from Windows, I realise that if I want comparable specs at a cheaper price, PC is the way to go.
Can anyone suggest any good quality, mid-high performance laptops which cost less than a MacBook pro? Thanks in advance.

(P.S Don't say MacBook Air. Screen isn't big enough and it doesn't have a built in disc drive. I wouldn't mind a PC without a built in disc drive as I already have an external one, but I'd rather not fork out £65 for an Apple one)

There are 3 types of laptops:

Standard (low price, not powerful, moderately portable)
Gaming (moderate price, very powerful, not very portable)
Ultrabooks (high price, moderately powerful, very portable)

Since you need a powerful laptop for cheap price, the Gaming laptop would be best for you.

I recently bought Lenovo G510 with Intel Core i5 @ 2.6 GHz, AMD Radeon R7 265m. This laptop costs 509 Euro, and it's extremely powerful. With few tweakings I can get 8 hours of battery life. However it's very thick, but if you won't hold it for too long, it won't be that bad.

Macbooks are fast because they run on Unix Based operating system Mac OS X, if you reinstall your Lenovo with Ubuntu Studio 14.04(free, fast, creative and secure Unix Based OS) your computer will never slow down due to malware, spyware, adware, viruses and/or fragmentation on the hard disk like Microsoft Windows.