Should I buy a Macbook Pro Laptop?

Recently my father and I have discussed purchasing a apple macbook pro laptop instead of a Lenovo (which I thought I was getting). I know there are a lot of similarities and differences but I really just need some input.
I will be studying fashion design in college and I know I will be using a lot of software (jUST design floor had 3 mac labs! 3!)
I asked my friend who works at Best Buy and he thought Lenovo or Mac would be good, but if I was to get a Mac to get a MacBook Pro. I know the price differences are huge so this is hard for me
I need some help

Go for a mac, and this is a harder question because it is asking for opinions, so also maybe try looking up the features of each laptop and comparing them.

I would go Lenovo.always had excellent dealings with Lenovo and customer service was always top notch. No need to spend more than you have to.

OK How many times do I need to tell everyone this, DO NOT get a mac they are overpriced for what they are. A different laptop at the same price would be much better.