To get a new laptop or not to get a new laptop?

So my laptop is pushing 6 years old. Battery's shot, A few of the keys don't work (had to get a secondary keyboard) the headphone jack doesn't work, fans been a tiny bit rattly/vibrating (Not really a concerning level) and this past week i have been having issue with vidoes lagging/freezing/not playing/playing without sound etc. Even videos on my hard drive (so its not the internet, internet speed it great) other than that it runs really well. There aren't really any software issues, mostly hardware and its little things. But at 6 years old, who knows how long that will last.

My work discount program sent a "sale" for 35 percent off lenovo laptops (thats what I have now and I love it) they have some really good deals to start with. They even offer financing. Problem is even with financing it will be a stretch affordability wise. I really don't have a lot of spare money. So I'm trying to decide wether or not I should take advantage now, or wait a few months and push the life of this one a little longer.

What I'd do, right now, is back up everything on that computer to the cloud or to hard storage devices. Then I'd keep pushing it to work for me. I would not buy any further equipment (like that external keyboard) to make it continue to function.

While the deal from work is tempting, a financial stretch for something you don't truly need right now is rarely the right choice. If you can hang on until the new year, less that four months, there will be excellent sales from retailers. In fact, if you know what you want, you can even watch for sales starting the week of Thanksgiving and on Black Friday.

Get a new one

I would normally say that you definitely need a new laptop. However, if you can't afford it then this becomes a question for the Personal Finance section. If the machines allows you to do what you need and is not necessary for your job, then wait until you save enough money to pay cash for it.

Newer is better usually. But some good used items on Ebay might be an idea for you.

Keep the old one. All those issues are of little importance and will disappear one sunny day

Even as someone who can easily afford a new computer, I don't spend money until it is absolutely necessary and have some computers over 12 years old still serving purposes around the house. It's not that things don't go wrong but if you use youtube to learn how to fix problems yourself it is much cheaper to do simple repairs yourself. There are also cheaper alternatives, such as getting a usb audio jack if you can't fix your old audio jack or adding a cheap network card when the one on the motherboard dies. I changed out a keyboard on one of my laptops for $12, while it was scary attempting to take apart my laptop to replace it, I had youtube instructions for my make and model and it was a lot easier than I thought. Once I got to the internal keyboard it was just a matter of unplugging the old damaged one and plugging the new keyboard in and putting the laptop back together. Especially if you are tight on money, it might pay for you to learn how to work on your own computers because the parts are usually cheap and it's not really that hard for the most part. Of course it just dawned on me that you may only have one computer and that makes things more difficult because if it is down or broken, you have no computer. I actually started to work on computers after getting our second one so that I always had one working to look up information about my broken one as I was attempting to learn how to fix it. To answer your question, if your laptop is still usable, deals always come around so I would not let that be my deciding factor. Save your money. Also your work may be offering 35% off a particular store where if you shopped around you might learn that 35% is off of a highly inflated price, where you could find the same laptop cheaper elsewhere even after the 35% discount from the other store is considered. is a great place to shop for laptops as is Amazon. The Black Friday sales are usually the cheapest prices of the year and now many companies do these sales for the entire month of November.

While most of those issues are easily repairable without spending a lot of money I would say buying a new one is a better idea- clean the old one out and sell it for spares or repair to offset the cost of your new machine.

Fix it new ones sucks, they are made to fail and windows 10 is ****

Get the components needed to fix the old one. The parts should available online. EBay and Amazon. YouTube has tutorials for parts replacement. You could also get a USED machine from Craigslist…6 month to 1 year old… That will have a better price.

If you facing the given issues then get buy new or old at least in warranty.