Touchpad Registry expert around?

I just bought a Lenovo Ideapad t510p… It's amazing but i hate the touchpad… Its ELAN and it won't let me modify the touchpad area… The buttons are integrated in the touchpad and it makes it very hard for me to click them without moving the cursor… I tried reducing sensivity but its not enough… Can i reduche the touchpad ara through the registry? I tried doing it by the driver's options but it doesn't show up…
i went into the registry ediotr and i found some files regarding a Smartarea… Could it be that?
one of them is SmartArea_Enable… I changed the number from 0 to 1, but still it doesn't show up in the driver options… Maybe i have to modify the other files from the registry? Like SmartArea_Left_Range, SmartArea_Down_Range ecc ecc… Should i modify these?
I also found other ones like PST_StartZone_Top or PST_Startzone_Bottom… I couldnt find any clue on the internet…
any idea?

My dog is one, ill just wait for him to get out of the shower