Spilled water on my computer now some keys aren't working?

About a year ago I had a glass of water and I accidentally spilled it on my computer and it went under the computer and I did not realize. This was before school so I went to school that day not cleaning up the water that was left under the computer. I came back and realized that keys were broken. I restarted it and everything and now only a handful of keys still work on the keyboard. I attached another keyboard to my computer, but it's very challenging to carry around this huge keyboard. A year later the keys are still broken. Here's the keys that work:
y (enables/disables something that has the numbers 123 in the middle of it (i don't know what it is))
j (every time it's clicked, it pops up the right-click menu)
k (everytime clicked it adds a semicolon to the end like: k; and vise versa
return (enter)
m (everytime clicked it pops up the CTRL F thing)
PS. All letters that normally work also work when in capitalized form

PSS. I have a Lenovo

How do I fix my regular keyboard!

You should really go to a repair shop for that.

It's dead, Jim. Get a new one and transfer your programs and data