What can I do to fix my laptops wireless connection?

My lenovo laptop has been experiencing wireless connectivity problems that have progressively gotten worse to the point where it won't hold a connection for more than 10 seconds, if it even recognizes the built-in adapter at all. The steps I have taken:
- Make sure all drivers are up to date
- Reset router
- Run virus scan to see if something is flagged (nothing)
- 'Troubleshooting' used to work usually, and now it just comes back with a message saying windows can't solve the problem
- Occasionally I used to get a message that said potentially the hardware was experiencing problems
- Went into a PC laptops that quoted $150 just to do a diagnostic… But they did say my wireless card is not just an easy swap if that was the trouble, it's integrated

*What can I do to be able to connect again?
*Would a USB adapter give me the same problems? I have seen some on amazon for ~20 dollars

Just a thought, have you tried connecting with a Ethernet cable, if that works its probably a bad wireless card/adapter, or try and remove your current network and make a new one, go and uninstall the driver and reinstall it?

I did just try the ethernet cable and connected to the internet right away. Since that indicates card/adapter issues, would a usb adapter (like the kind you can use to hook a desktop comp up to wireless) bypass the troubles the one in my laptop is having?