I have a Lenovo phone (version K10a40) I can't seem to turn off a green blinking light next to the camera. Any advice? Please?

I have a Lenovo phone (version K10a40) I can't seem to turn off a green blinking light next to the camera. Any advice? Please?


So I have the Lenovo C2 (K10a40) and I can't turn off the green blinking light next to the camera. I've tried downloading apps but they haven't helped and I have searched through all of the settings and haven't found anything. The light distracts me incredibly and I would really like to turn it off. Because I had no other solution, I would cover the light with a small sticker, only to find that one constantly coming off. Please give me some advice, I'm so irritated by this feature. It would mean a lot if you answer.






Id go into Settings and to Apps and to All and search for the Camera app and tap on it to open app info and clear the app data and then restart phone. If that don't do it id backup everything and factory reset

I have the Lenovo C2 (K10a40) and I can't turn off the green blinking light next to the camera. I've tried downloading apps but they haven't helped and I have searched through all of the settings and haven't found anything. The light distracts me incredibly and I would really like to turn it off. Because I had no other solution, I would cover the light with a small sticker, only to find that one constantly coming off. Please give me some advice, I'm so irritated by this feature. It would mean a lot if you answer.